
  1.  Education Week's Digital Directions: Whiteboards Inc
  2. Primary Teacher's Toolbox Interactive Whiteboard Research
  3. http://collection.europarchive.org/tna/20040722012352/http://partners.becta.org.uk/upload-dir/downloads/page_documents/research/harnessing_technology_schools_survey07.pdf
  4. http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/interactive_whiteboards.cfm
  5. Moss, G., Armstrong, V., Jewitt, C., Levacic, R., Cardini, A., & Castle, F.. "The Interactive Whiteboards, Pedagogy and Pupil Performance Evaluation: An Evaluation of the Schools Whiteboard Expansion (SWE) Project: London Challenge." Institute of Education (2007). Retrieved on May 20, 2010 fromhttp://www.pgce.soton.ac.uk/ict/NewPGCE/pdfs%20IWBs/The%20interactive%20whiteboard,%20pedagogy%20and%20pupil%20performance%20evaluation.pdf
  6.  Evaluation of the DCSF Primary Schools Whiteboard Expansion Project, DCSF and Becta (2007)
  7. Glover, D. & Miller, D. (2001). Running with technology: the pedagogic impact of the large-scale introduction of interactive whiteboards in one secondary school. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 10(3), 257–278. doi:10.1080/14759390100200115
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/10/AR2010061005522.html Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement
  9. Moss G, Jewitt C, Levaãiç R, Armstrong V, Cardini A, Castle F (2007) The Interactive Whiteboards, Pedagogy and Pupil Performance Evaluation: An Evaluation of the Schools Whiteboard Expansion (SWE) Project: London Challenge http://www.dfes.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/RR816.pdf

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